A new high energetic bonder intermediate azidodeoxycellulose for solid propellant was synthesized from the raw material cotton linters under homogeneous conditions. 以棉纤维为原料,在均相反应状态下合成了一种新型推进剂用含能黏合剂&叠氮纤维素。
No Spinning Value Cotton: mouldy cotton, water damaged cotton, oil stained cotton, burned cotton, cotton waste and linters, etc. 无纺用价值棉花:霉变棉、渍棉、污棉、烧棉、花废料、短绒等。
Low Pollution Pulping of Cotton Linters 棉短绒低污染制浆工艺的研究
Bottom Film of Cotton Linters of Natural Degradation for the Agricultural of Use 自然降解农用棉短绒地膜的研制
Alkali-Oxygen-Hydrogen Peroxide Pulping for Cotton Linters Fluff Pulp 棉短绒制绒毛浆H2O2-氧碱蒸煮工艺
An Investigation to the Effect of Cotton Linters Quality on That of Semi-Pulp 棉短绒品质对半浆质量影响的研究
Investigation on peroxide-alkali-oxygen pulping of cotton linters 棉短绒过氧化氢&氧碱蒸煮新工艺
Moreover, effect of molar ratio of AGU/ tosylchloride, cellulosic starting materials ( cotton linters, wood pulp and them treated by steam explosion) and dissolution method of cellulose on DS_ ( Tos) of cellulose tosylate was discussed. 研究了纤维素葡萄糖残基与对甲苯磺酰氯的摩尔比、纤维素原料(软木纤维素,棉纤维素以及蒸汽闪爆处理的软木纤维素、棉纤维素)种类及溶解方法对合成产物取代度的影响。
The influence of chemical additives on NaOH-H_2O_2 pulping of cotton linters was investigated. 研究了化学添加剂对棉短绒NaOHH2O2制浆的影响。
The results showed that MADS was a necessary additive to NaOH-H2O2 pulping of cotton linters. 结果表明,MADS是棉短绒NaOH-H-O2制浆值得推广的助剂。